May Board Meeting
June 27, 2024, 4:41 p.m.
DOD Board Meeting Minutes
Innovation Hub – 942 Olive St. Eugene
May 13, 2024
Commenced 6:48 pm
1. Public Forum: Nina, Jack H, Rolf Prima representative Willie present. Rolf Prima ready for the
factory tour. Ben: Eugene POS adopting a trail at Black Oak Basin, need volunteers to save
sensitive species. Jack Hill to post call for volunteers in his trail work group.
2. Position reports:
A. Chair (Lee): Everyone should look at the beta version of the new DOD website. The Alpine
Epic is coming up on June 15th – DOD is sponsoring Aid 2. We have full insurance coverage
for general liability and directors and officers policy. Chantal is updated with that info.
B. Vice Chair (Austin Larson): Lawlerpalooza was a success. Approximately 13 volunteers
showed up to work on Lawler. Proposed a shuttle day at Whypass as a fun-raiser.
C. Treasurer (Chantal): Selco needs formal notice of change of Treasurer position. Lee proposed
removing Justin Price and Tom Wright from our Selco account and adding Chantal Angot to
the Selco account. Board voted, motion passed. These changes to the Selco account
approved users were approved. Jeff to send copy of approved board minutes to Chantal.
D. Secretary (Jeff Green): Nothing new. Minutes sent out and approved.
E. Trail Work (Peter O'Toole): Yielded to Jack Hill: Trying to get a new trail at Thurston, the ice
storm tabled that until probably next year. Crawfish is in rough shape – my guys can get out
there with an excavator and work on berms and other tread work. Property
managers/archaeologist are involved for approval. DOD will need to amend the volunteer
agreement to allow machine use. Estimate is $16k. DOD will need to raise more money in
order to pay for it. There's also an option for another machine built trail on a parallel trail to
Crawfish. Board voted “yes” for the $16k cost of revamping Crawfish contingent upon USFS
final approval. Peter: Yew Haw is nearly complete at Thurston. Eric Emerson is doing work on
Super Maple.
F. PR/Marketing (Ben Hansen): I've done some instagram and FB posts. Chantal: We should
include marketing opt-in waivers and QR code for emails messaging from DOD as a Mail
Chimp plug-in with our new website. Willamette Pass is unveiling their new master plan –
meetings this week – Eugene, Oakridge. The company that runs Willamette Pass now also
runs bike parks.
G. Rides/Events (Sean Fitzpatrick): Barbie camp seemed like a success. Alsea happy ride was
rained out. Rolf Prima tour on Thursday. Spence Mountain is coming up June 1st. Going to do
a head count to see how many people are going. Group ride Sat. morning 9:30. Lee
proposed to cancel P@P this year. Motion was seconded. Board passed the motion. Will
consider scheduling some kid's rides.