December Board Meeting

Dec. 16, 2024, 6:35 p.m.

DOD Board Meeting Minutes

Wetlands Brewpub and Sports Grill, 922 Garfield St Eugene

December 16, 2024
Commenced 6:35 pm

1. Public Forum: Cody, Shawn L present. Adam Steffan: OMBC did a summit retreat last weekend.
A group in Lakeview trying to get money for a mountain in their area. California Mountain Bike
Coalition (approx 35 clubs) and Outdoor Alliance were guest speakers. Registered non-profits are
able to use Mailchimp for free. OMBC looking towards making achievable goals and devoping a
value for the members.
2. Position reports:
A. Chair (Sean): Healing up from injury. Reaching out to vendors for donations for ACM. Porta
potty ordered for ACM and Holiday Lights Ride, hand wash station ordered for ACM. Trail
work coordinator position open. Will vote on the candidates tonight.
B. Vice Chair (Austin Larson): Nothing new to report.
C. Treasurer (Chantal): Not much new. I'd like to propose a fundraising committee for 2025. I
want to understand how income comes in. Mike Sheppard: Could invite Lorane RFPD to
ACM, let them set up a table, collect donations or DOD could take donation for them.
Chantal to send out an email on fundraising committee.
D. Secretary (Jeff Green): Holiday Lights Ride this Wednesday. Please sign thank-you cards. Kim
McGovern completed the FB post and poster for ACM. Jeff to print out the poster at Office
Depot – 15-20 prints.
E. Trail Work (Peter O'Toole): OTA has a Goodman Creek work party – this Saturday and
ongoing. Meeting at Hardesty. This is my last meeting, I intend to help the next DOD trail
coordinator. Peter stepping down from the position this date.
F. PR/Marketing (Ben Hansen): Excused absence. He send out an email about ACM, and getting
a sign-up sheet for ACM volunteers. Ben was interviewed with Oregon Daily Emerald, as well
as Jack Hill, Peter O'Toole, and Lucy with Dirt Maidens.
G. Rides/Events (Brian Peas): ACM is the next event. Planning on a Happy Ride at least every
other month. Also looking at kid's rides and trying to work around other events like Team
Dirt events. April 25th is spring Barbie Camp. Jeff G. proposed a vintage ride at WP.
Board listened to three candidates (Cody Best, Mike S, and Shawn L) for the Trail Work
Coordinator position. Board voted unanimously for Mike Sheppard.

Concluded at 7:34 pm