April Board Meeting

May 11, 2024, 9:45 a.m.

DOD Board Meeting Minutes 

Innovation Hub – 942 Olive St. Eugene 

April 8th, 2024 

Commenced 6:33 pm 

1. Public Forum: Lucy, Laurie S. Robin present. Derrick Bell: There's a trail build day at Cloverpatch  this weekend. June is a great time for riding Spence Mountain. Scott T: Proposed renaming a trail at Whypass for Hank Hank, Shawn L, Adam S.: OMBC – Team Dirt has a new chair Aaron  Turner/vice-chair, June is shuttle fundraiser, looking at public discussion for next phase at Alsea  for parking, trails etc. They've done an adaptive user review and some changes, Hood River  making changes, Oregon State Parks starting partnership program with clubs for places like  SATA/Catamount. Some clubs are seeing rogue chainsaw use – trying to get social media info out there to educate on chainsaw requirements. 

2. Position reports:  

A. Chair (Lee): Working with Colin on new DOD website. Got board members bio. Barbie Johns  are on order. ACM was a hit. Rolf Prima possibly doing a tour of their facility in conjunction  with Justin Mitchell, might include a carbon wheel stress test. Would include a food truck.  Likely mid-May. They want to do a swap meet in the fall as well, people can put tables out.  

B. Vice Chair (Austin Larson): Might approach Seneca about putting trails on their property  through land leasing or other trade. Board approved.  

C. Treasurer (Chantal): ACM brought in around $7k, expenses about $1k.  

D. Secretary (Jeff Green): Nothing new.  

E. Trail Work (Peter O'Toole): Arlie Park: Things are moving forward – road is paved into the  property line. Parks and Open Spaces are not doing a “low bid” process but instead by an  experience rating system for Arlie trails system. I've been in contact with Willamalane  regarding whether DOD can help get the trails at Thurston Hills ready to go. Potentially  looking at weekend of April 27th. Whypass carsonite trail signs are ready for install. I made  suggestions for our new website.  

F. PR/Marketing (Ben Hansen): Starting to hype up Barbie Camp. I sent out an unofficial poll –  79% responded they wanted us to move ACM to March/April. I'll email the promoter for the  MTB film at the Hult Center and see if we can reach an agreement for promotion.  

G. Rides/Events (Sean Fitzpatrick): ACM was a success. Looking at a couple happy rides here  soon – likely Alsea and a kid's ride. Also looking to plan a destination ride in June, likely  Spence Mtn.  

Concluded at 7:35 pm